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Promo Card: Cochrane Christmas Trees

Logo: Shay Barrel Room

Logo: Love Inc.

Interior Design: Entry Before and After

Interior Design: Wall Area Before and After

So you need a logo or branding? Tell us a little about yourself and what you're looking for.

project budget [we work with any budget]
company name
what is your business or service?
mission & purpose of your business venture?
who is your target market & who is your most ideal customer?
who are your competitors & how do you differ from them? [please include links]
Logo Details
what are your thoughts on your competitor's logos?
what logo designs appeal to you & why? [provide links where possible]
what logo designs do not appeal to you & why? [provide links where possible]
what is the exact name as you would like it to appear in your logo?
what is your tag line? Does this need to be incorporated into the logo design?
what do you want the logo to say about your company?
do you have any color preferences?
where will you be using this logo design? [car, website, uniforms, tags, etc.]
which is the most important application of your logo? [website, stationary, etc.]
please provide any additional details:
how did you find us?